Keystone International Livestock Exposition | Day Three Candids
The Cherry Knoll crew gets their Grand Champion Angus Bull ready for the final drive.
Tim Schaeffer models his crop top vest before showing it off in the Supreme Champion Female drive.
Evie Groom makes her way around the ring with her division champion Charolais female.
Piper Cates is definitely the most excited person to be in backdrop photos.
Clayton Main’s Supreme Champion Female in the chute.
The Supreme Champion Bull getting ready for the final drive.
Shelby Griffith gives her Charolais heifer a pat on the head after they won Grand Champion Female.
Judge Jared Boyert selects Layne Iassback’s steer as Grand Champion.
Highlands are all the rave.
Judge John Hausner looks over his division champions during the Grand Champion Highland Female selection.
Tim Fitzgerald enters the ring for the Supreme Champion Female selection while leading Kathryn Coleman’s Grand Champion Angus Heifer.
Are Highlands in the future for the Nikkel family?
Pearl Walthall is all smiles after her heifer is selected Grand Champion Highland Female.
The Supreme Champion Female in the ring.