The Pulse Powered by Sullivan Supply

Arizona National | Market Show Candids

Supreme Champion Market Steer and Champion AOC Steer at the chute.
Thank you for trusting in the Sullivan Supply Product line.

Nick Fitzsimmons on the hind leg

Tommy Meek Smoothing down the top line

Reserve Supreme Champion and Champion Black Steer at the chute.
Thank you for trusting in the Sullivan Supply Product line.

Geoff Andras working on the hind leg

Denver McKay building the leg of his Bred and Owned steer with Sullivan’s Brick.

Reserve Champion AOC Steer at the chute.
Thank you for trusting in the Sullivan Supply Product line.

Tommy Glover Fitting on the front leg of his steer using Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive as his product of choice.

Dustin Glover dialing in the tailhead of the steer

Reserve Champion black steer at the chute.
Thank you for trusting in the Sullivan Supply Product line.

Reserve Champion British Steer at the chute
Thank you for trusting in the Sullivan Supply Product line.

Cooper Newcomb using Sullivan’s Silk as product of choice for the reserve supreme Market lamb.
Thank you for trusting in the Sullivan Supply Product line.