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WVU Block & Bridle Bonanza Jackpot Show | Top 5 Heifers

Grand Champion Female
Champion Limousin Female
Sire: EF Excessive Force
Dam: AUTO Bette 266Y
Bred by: Adam Griffith
Sold by: Adam Griffith, M & M Cattle Company, and Landon Hall, and Tyler Green
Congratulations to Shelby Griffith!

Reserve Grand Champion Female
Champion Angus Female
Sire: First Class
Dam: SULL Stockman 8406
Bred by: Hara Angus Farms
Sold by: Campbell Land & Cattle & Paulsen
Congratulations to Rylee Stockade!

3rd Overall Female
Champion Chianina Female
SIre: Style
Dam: LJR Fiona (Right Direction x Who Da Man)
Raised by Jeff Jackson
Sold by: Jeff Jackson, Justin Veghie, Green hills Cattle Company, Menius Show Cattle
Congratulations to Olivia Williams!

4th Overall Female
Champion Hereford Female
Raised by: Swigart
Sold by: Hanold, Schnettgoecke, Meisner, Paulsen, Widerman
Congratulations to Ella Jacobs!

5th Overall Female
Champion Crossbred Female
Sire: Maternal Made
Dam: Shiver x Who Da Man
Bred by: Bridwell
Raised by: Michael Kinna
Sold by: Adam Griffith, Michael Kinna, Jason Hose
Congratulations to Shelby Griffith!