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Sullivan's Fresh and Feminine – For Steers and Heifers

This exciting new product has been is proven with results and the demand for repeat orders has been tremendous.
In fact, many of the major steer and heifer show winners from the past weekend feed Fresh and Feminine, the secret to eye appealing show cattle!”

Feminine shape and freshness throughout the front end of your show animal spells ultimate suc- cess or failure in the show ring today.
Fresh & FeminineTM is not just another supplement. Tried and true for many years, Fresh & FeminineTM has been the secret, fed at Sullivan Farms for over ten years. It has been an integral part of their feeding regiment and credited with producing outstanding freshness and ultimate show ring success of their cattle at major shows year-in and year-out.
This is how this feed supplement works … the superior science of Fresh & Feminine features a combination of strategic vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and a high concentration of by-pass protein sources. This chemistry boosts metabolic fat burning in the body that targets spe- cific areas of the body to reduce fat content, most notably in the neck and brisket area. The animal has a more feminine, attractive physique and even moves better. This helps to offset the results seen from aggressive, high energy show cattle diets.
All natural and fertility safe for open heifers, bred heifers, steers and bulls. Simply top dress 6 oz. per head per day of this pelleted supplement on your current ration until desired freshness has been achieved.
“The simple science to freshen up a front end while maintaining the body capacity desired. We have had tremendous success with Fresh & FeminineTM for over 10 years. Now available to the public for the first time. You will noticeably see the results.” – John Sullivan