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The Concept Behind Vita Hair Volumizer Foaming Shampoo

The creation and development process for Vita Hair Volumizer™ Foaming Shampoo dates back to early 2010. Our goal was to create a superior quality livestock shampoo to use in a foamer that could nourish the hide and hair, clean thoroughly, be economical, and yet not destroy the hair body. A tough task, especially since the existing human and livestock shampoo chemistry makes the hair more manageable, causing it to lay “heavy” and flat, never to stand on end as we desire in show cattle. On the other hand, dish washing soaps strip the hair of the natural oils and cause damage to the outer layer of the hair follicle, destroying hours of work. We feel that high quality shampoo is the most important step of daily hide and hair care, leading to the best hair performance on show day. We began by formulating Volumizer with a natural plant-based surfactant blend, originating from fruit
and vegetable extract. We found this technology to be pH neutral and nourishing to the hide and hair, along with being gentle as it cleaned deep to the roots of the hair. We then discovered a tremendous breakthrough fact; the chemical make-up of all surfactants consists of “Ions.” Ions are small electrical molecules in the surfactant that pass on a positive or a negative charge to the hair. These Ions cause hair follicles to attract to each other like a magnet attaching to metal. As a result, this causes the hair follicle to stick to each other and lay flat, even after blow drying. We chemically altered the ionic basis of the formula by incorporating an opposite acting polar charge, creating a “neutral” charge. This, never before offered, non-ionic chemistry for livestock, prevents any attraction between the hair strands. This neutral charge actually enables each hair follicle to stand on end for extreme hair separation, creating a noticeable difference in added hair volume and body.
The ultimate goal for livestock hair! By January of 2012 we had perfected the formula, but before bringing it to the public, we wanted to put it through rigorous daily testing at Sullivan Farms over a period of 18 months. It proved to be a difference maker for the cattle of Sullivan Farms at the 2013 National Junior Shorthorn Show as their cattle had the healthiest hide and hair of any previous year that they had exhibited at that specific show. As an added benefit, Vita Hair Volumizer™ is also enriched with the VITA HAIR™ nourishing hair vitamin package. The nutrient content of VITA HAIR™, consists of an advanced blend of the proven hair vitamins: Biotin, Pro-Vitamin B-5 and Vitamin E, all in their purest form to infuse the hair and skin for faster hair growth, thicker hair, increased shine, more body and volume and healthier skin. The most important added benefit for show cattle from the VITA HAIR™ vitamins is how they nourish and condition without weight and build-up on the hair as compared to human conditioners that cause the hair to lay flat.
Vita Hair Volumizer™ is the first livestock shampoo to scientifically produce hair volume! Bar none, the best shampoo in the industry, there is nothing like it! We believe this is the best new product created in the last five years at Sullivan Supply. A true “game changer” in hair performance!