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Missouri State Fair | FFA Market Steer Breed Champions

Champion Angus | FFA
Sire: First Impression
Dam: Twof U Know Ima Lady
Bred and Owned by: Chris Kohlenback.
Congratulations to Chris Kohlenback.
Reserve Angus | FFA
Sire: Lutton
Dam: Grand View CMR 5289 Lady 8515
Bred by: Hunter Angus
Congratulations to Reba Colin.
Champion Charolais Steer | FFA
Sire: L&L SP Powerhouse
Dam: Commercial Charolais
Bred and Owned by: Haley Fitzpatrick
Congratulations to haley Fitzpatrick
Champion Hereford | FFA
Sire; Nitro Son
Dam: ML Home
Bred by: Landen Ranch
Congratulations to David Vest
Reserve Hereford | FFA
Sire: Times a Wastin’
Dam: Ribeye Daughter
Congratulations to Brittany Adams
Champion Maine-Anjou | FFA
Sire: I-80
Dam: Maine
Raised by: JJ Vee
Sold by: Murphy Cattle Co.
Congratulations to Tyler Gerke
Reserve Maine-Anjou | FFA
Sire: In-control
Dam: Maine
Bred by Mid-Continent Farms
Congratulations to Dustin Daehn
Champion Chianina | FFA
Sire: Believe in Me
Dam: Comm. Shorthorn
Sold by Bellar Cattle Co
Congratulations to Julie Schultz
Reserve Chianina | FFA
Sire: Walkie Talkie
Dam: Meyer
Raised and Sold by Jerry Dopheide
Champion Mainetainer | FFA
Sire: Thriller
Dam: Simangus
Bred and Owned by: August Bertz
Congratulations to August Bertz
Reseve Mainetainer | FFA
Fu Man Chu
Raised by Rodgers
Sold by Goretska
Congratulations to Emma Clark
Champion Salers | FFA
Sire: DGF Yazoo
Bred and Owned by: Valerie Barnett
Congratulations to Valerie Barnett
Reserve Salers | FFA
Sire: Neal Warrior
Bred and Owned by: Neal Barnett
Congratulations to Neal Barnett
Champion Shorthorn | FFA
Sire: Spirit pride
Dam: Shorthorn
Raised and sold by Williams
Congratulations to Bailey Collier
Champion ShorthornPlus | FFA
Sire: Monopoly
Dam: Shorthorn
Bred by: Vogel shorthorn
Congratulations to Allyson Demontt
Reserve ShorthornPlus | FFA
Sire: Monopoly
Dam: Division daughter
Raised and sold by joe Sullivan
Congratulations to Bailey Colliver
Champion Simmental | FFA
Sire: New direction
Dam: Simmy
Raised by layne robinson
Congratulations to Mallory Early
Champion Crossbred | FFA
Sire: Monopoly
Dam: Lane donor 305
Bred by: Lane family, IA
Sold by: Goretska
Congratulations to Katelyn Gillum
Reserve Crossbred | FFA
Sire: Man among boys
Dam: simmy x
Sold by Brett Bowman
Congratulations to MacKenzie Mawson