The Pulse Powered by Sullivan Supply

Arizona National – Candids

Carly Wheeler and Payton Rodgers hanging out just before Carly’s heat in showmanship.
Savannah Burt using a foamer in the wash rack for the best application of soap of her calf.
Ashley and Jessie Judge, a great sister duo working together to dress a steer for the prospect show.
Out in the ring was Joseph Porter supporting the Sullivan’s Smart comb as he did an outstanding job in the show ring.
Jerrod Wagner using Sullivan’s Powderful to build up his leg as he helped a fellow junior Macye Cooler get her steer ready for the show.
Berkley Bird receiving the champion slap from Judge Shane Bedwell with her prospect steer. Congratulations Berkley and best of luck on the show road!
Judge Shane Bedwell presenting Kaly Cone with the reserve champion hand shake with her prospect steer. Congratulations Kaly and good luck at future shows!