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Stock Show University – California Grad Program – Day 1

After introductions the group broke off to meet their professors and work with them on daily hair care practices, pictured is Professor Hadley Pitts speaking with his group.
While the groups were in full swing with the hands-on learning Callyn Hahn Dean of stock Show University answered questions from the parents, and explained differences between products.
A great group here in Red Bluff, CA as we break before lunch for a group photo.
After a few slices of pizza we started the Clipping Demonstration as the lakeside lights allowed for a great visual aid as Professor Hadley Pitts showed the kids how to clip out a front end of Payton’s Steer
During the Hands on clipping session Professor J Newton worked with Cody Anderson on clipping a topline.
Professor Marc Miranda assisting Amy Stroing on clipping the tail of her steer.
Jaycee Norris clipping the topline with help from professor Blaine Rodgers.
Professor Dan DeMeyer show Zane Still and family how to clip out the head of their calf.
Hannah Benkosky clipping the shoulder and neck junction with guidance form Professor Justin Click.
Professor Hadley Pitts watching as Samantha Provty works on the topline
The world championship cupcake eating contest with the junior division as they get ready to start.
Samantha Provty covered in chocolate frosting after the cupcake eating contest.
The fun continued with Trivia night as Callyn Hahn Dean of Stock Show University asked trivia questions and first up was Amy Stroing from the Red team and Josh Lemos from the Blue team.