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Red Angus

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Tuesday, June 17th
3:00 PM – Livestock Judging Contest Registration
4:00 PM – Livestock Judging Contest
7:00 PM – Junior Board Interviews
Wednesday, June 18th
7:00 AM – Junior Board Meeting With Advisors
8:00 AM – All Cattle In Place
8:30 AM – Cattle Check-in, Satellite Contest Check-in and purchase of banquet tickets
1:00 PM – Stock Show University Clinic
2:30 PM – Team Fitting Contest
6:00 PM – Opening Ceremonies in show ring
Thursday, June 19th
7:00 AM – Junior Board Meeting with Junior Advisors
9:00 AM – Photos in Place
9:00 AM – Public Speaking Contest
11:00 AM – Herdsman Quiz
1:00 PM – Sales Contest
3:00 PM – Quiz Bowl
Friday, June 20th
7:00 AM – Junior Board Meeting with Junior Advisors
9:00 AM – Showmanship Contest
12:00 PM – Futurity Show (Bred and Owned Females, Bred and Owned Bulls)
6:30 PM – Awards Banquet & Auction
Saturday, June 22nd
7:00 AM – Junior Board Meeting with Advisors
9:00 AM – Group Picture
9:30 AM – Show Begins (Commercial Heifer Show, Steer Show, Owned Heifer Show)