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Gelbvieh Junior National Classic | Thursday, June 29

Sponsored by: WW Livestock
7:00 AM: Breakfast, provided
8:00 AM: AGJA National Showmanship Contest (Senior, Int., Jr., PeeWee)
followed by AGJA National Balancer Bred & Owned Bull Show, & AGJA National Balancer Female Show – Judge: Alan Miller, Gridley, Illinois – Associate Judge: Will Coor, Gridley, Illinois –  Click here to view show program

12:00 PM: Lunch, provided (grab n’ go)
Sullivan Supply Ultimate Warrior Bootcamp – 30 mins after show
Dinner on your own – A night on the town in Grand Island

Just another day in Grand Island | Gelbvieh Junior National Classic

Gelbviehs sure know how to put together awards for the top 10 exhibitors!

Kenna Collins and Chase Tabor are killin’ Jenga!

Pulse Intern, Whitney Andras, and Stock Show U Event Intern, Abbee Carnes work Pump up the Volume this morning.

An ecstatic Tom Murphy works hair on his cattle this morning with a Sullivan’s Smart Scrub, and a Top Gun Sprayer.

Junior member Kayce Brown uses her new vintage-feel Sullivan’s Smart Sensation Brush to work freshly washed hair on her heifer.

Join us again tomorrow morning at the wash racks from 6:00-10:00 for Pump up the Volume!

Juniors tested their cattle evaluation skills during the judging contest held this morning.

Cody Webb clips a calf before show day tomorrow.

Gelbvieh Junior National Classic | Wednesday, June 28

Day Sponsored by: UNL
7:00 AM:Breakfast, provided
7:30 AM: Judging Contest Registration
8:00 AM: Judging Contest
9:00 AM: Scott Gemar Memorial Golf Outing & Adult Education Tour (no junior members may attend)
12:00 PM: Lunch, provided
12:45 PM: Official AGJA Photo — Wear Official Blue Polo
1:30 PM: AGJA Fun Day
6:00 PM: Dinner, provided
6:30 PM: AGJA Annual Meeting and Board Election

Gelbvieh Junior National Classic | Team Fitting Contest – Junior/Intermediate Division

Champion Junior/Intermediate Fitting Team
Pictured L-R:
Nate Kolterman, Judge; team members Gabrielle Hammer, Luke Beying, Logan Beying, Cooper Beying; Abbee Carnes, Stock Show U Event Intern

Reserve Champion Junior/Intermediate Fitting Team
Pictured L-R:
Nate Kolterman, Judge; team members Karsyn Youngblood, Rachelle Anderson, Cole Youngblood; Abbee Carnes, Stock Show U Event Intern

Third Overall Junior/Intermediate Fitting Team
Pictured L-R:
Team members Jonathan Kohley, Brooke Nowack, Cameron Nowack, Sarah Carroll; Abbee Carnes, Stock Show U Event Intern

Fourth Overall Junior/Intermediate Fitting Team
Pictured L-R:
Team members Baxter Lowe, Jessie Lowe, Isabel Lowe; Abbee Carnes, Stock Show U Event Intern

Fifth Overall Junior/Intermediate Fitting Team
Pictured L-R:
Team members Jaylea Pope, Seth Taubenheim, Justine Pope, Kale Taubenheim; Abbee Carnes, Stock Show U Event Intern

Team Fitting Contest Candids | Gelbvieh Junior National Classic

Judge Nate Kolterman evaluates the Champion Senior Fitting Team of Tanner Aherin and Kyle Vehige.

Using Sullivan’s Ultra White Touch-Up on the heifer’s tailhead.

Concentrating on getting the correct angle clipped into the hind leg.

Spraying the finishing touches.

Judge Nate Kolterman takes the time to give a few tips to the exhibitors after the fitting contest.

Maddie Lehrkamp is perfecting her tail during the fitting contest.

Gabrielle Hammer uses Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive to ball the tail.

She may be small, but she is mighty! Getting that tail head perfected.

All the juniors know that a Sullivan’s Teflon Comb matches well with Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive.

These girls sure know how to put one together.

Gelbvieh Junior National Classic | Team Fitting Contest – Senior Division

Champion Senior Fitting Team
Pictured L-R:
Team members Kyle Vehige and Tanner Aherin; Nate Kolterman, Judge; Abbee Carnes, Stock Show U Event Intern

Reserve Champion Senior Fitting Team
Pictured L-R:
Team members Logan Zemlicka and Trey Struck; Nate Kolterman, Judge; Abbee Carnes, Stock Show U Event Intern

Third Overall Senior Fitting Team
Pictured L-R:
Team members Wyatt Forbes and Cody Forbes; Nate Kolterman, Judge; Abbee Carnes, Stock Show U Event Intern

Fourth Overall Senior Fitting Team
Pictured L-R:
Team members Emily Cameron and Cade Cameron

Fifth Overall Senior Fitting Team
Pictured L-R:
Team members Kyler Camerer and Jacob Barwick; Abbee Carnes, Stock Show U Event Intern

Gelbvieh Junior National Classic | Tuesday, June 27

Day Sponsored by: Purina
7:00 a.m. Breakfast, provided
8:00 AM: Team Fitting Setup
8:30 AM: Team Fitting Contest – Senior followed by Junior/Intermediate – Sponsored by Sullivan Supply & Stock Show University
12:00 PM: Lunch, provided
1:00 PM: Skillathon Orientation
1:30 PM: Skill-a-thon: Carcass Portion
2:00 PM: Intermediate/Senior Skill-a-thon
2:00 PM: Junior Impromptu Speech
3:00 PM: Senior/Intermediate Impromptu Speech
3:00 PM: Junior Skill-a-thon
6:00 PM: Dinner, provided and Board Candidate Interviews

Gelbvieh Junior National Classic | Stock Show University Clinic

Professor Jared Bain helps Porsha Binning on pulling legs.

Stock Show U Event Intern Abbee Carnes gave a warm welcome to clinic attendees!

Co-Show Manager Josh Nelson gives some pointers to Lara Rittenhouse on how to properly use a comb when trying to glue the legs.

The Binning sisters take it one step further during the clinic and ask Professor Cameron Curry about different types of blades to use.

Professor Caitlin Griffin works hands-on with Cooper Beying during the showmanship portion of the clinic.

Teamwork makes the dream work!

Professor Ryan Menis thoroughly explains to Cody Brown how crucial it is to comb the leg hair excessively when glue is being used.

Giveaways are always a fan favorite during Stock Show U!

Lexi Rittenhouse takes the most important job of the day seriously, and scratches her sister’s heifer while she gets a few tips from the professors during the clinic this afternoon.

Professor Zack Butler talks fitting tips and tricks.

Go with the Gelbvieh | Gelbvieh Junior National Classic

Cassie Livingston presents her heifer during the sales talk contest this morning to Judges Abbee Carnes and Mel Carlson.

Chase Tabor, Macy Shoulders and Kenna Collins play a few hands of cards while the cattle are laying down.

Team Kansas 2 had some Gelbvieh nerds ready to take down the opposing team during the quiz bowl finals this evening. Preston Dunn is ready and determined.

Justin Teeter uses a Sullivan’s Air Express III Double Blower set to get the work done a little quicker.

Kale Thaubenein, Jaylea Pope, AJ Starr and Yancy Welsh get a game plan together before Yancy goes in for his sales talk.

Autumn Butler uses a Sullivan’s Smart Scrub and a Top Gun bottle to work hair in the morning.