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Simmental National Classic | Tuning into Tuesday

Makale Creek talks his pitch during the sales competition.

Braelyn Berlowitz uses Sullivan’s Ultra White Touch Up on the belly during the fitting contest.

The competition was deep today during the Team Fitting Contest.

Ashley Perry is utilizes what she learned during the Stock Show U clinic to focus in on a tailhead during the fitting contest.

Judges Kurt Meyer and Tim Anderson look for team work and efficiency during the fitting contest this afternoon.

Greg Burden paints Tanner Howey’s hair pink after him and Alan Shelton transform it into a mohawk.

Hannah Sweat uses the blower to dry off this afternoon after the water balloon fight.

Simmental National Classic | Team Fitting Contest

Grand Champion Fitting Team
Pictured L-R: Tim Anderson and Kurt Meyer, Judges; team members Braelyn Berlowitz, Blaze Berlowitz, Thomas Willis; Kiley Elder, Stock Show U Inter and Colby Taber, Assistant Dean of Stock Show U.

Reserve Grand Champion Fitting Team
Pictured L-R: Tim Anderson and Kurt Meyer, Judges; Wacey Townsend, Dakota Townsend, Brecken Shipman, team members; Kiley Elder, Stock Show U Intern and Colby Taber, Assistant Dean of Stock Show U.

Third Place Fitting Team
Pictured L-R: Tim Anderson and Kurt Meyer, Judges; Brittany Eagleburger, Bailey McAlister, Chesney Early, team members; Kiley Elder, Stock Show U Intern and Colby Taber, Assistant Dean of Stock Show U.

National Junior Angus Show | Stock Show University Clinic

Callyn Hahn, Dean of Stock Show U & Small Animal Product Development, gives a hands on demonstration of how to use a Roto Brush

James Sullivan, Product Development at Sullivan Supply, showcases Sullivan’s NEW 360 Brush, which is now available.

Professor Garrett Kietzman helps a young exhibitor set up his calf.

Emma Nowotny pays close attention during the Ultimate Fitting Challenge.

Lydell Meier does a top notch job commentating the fitting heads on demo

Austin Vieselmeyer tosses giveaways like a pro

Professor Amanda Schnoor works hands-on with a young exhibitor.

Professor Brandon Jones helps answer some of Morgan Scilacci’s questions after the clinic.

DeLainy Fellinger gets pro tips from Professor Brigham Stewart during hands-on showmanship.

Professor Nick Zastrow jumps right in to help a junior.

Will Coor is an artist at balling a tail.

National Junior Angus Show | Tuesday, July 11

6:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. Breakfast – Dad’s Belgium Waffles – Varied Industries Building
7:00 a.m. Angus Foundation Golf Tournament – Legacy Golf Club; Norwalk, IA
7:30 a.m. Career Development Contest – Varied Industries Building
8:00 a.m. Team Fitting Contest – Outdoor Arena
9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Hospitality Open – Varied Industries Building
10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Trade Show Open – Varied Industries Building
10:00 a.m. Cattle Judging Check-In – Pioneer Pavilion
10:30 a.m. Zoetis Educational Clinic – Pioneer Pavilion
11:00 a.m. Cattle Judging Contest – Pioneer Pavilion
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Skillathon Contest sponsored by Sullivan Supply – Varied Industries Building
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch – Varied Industries Building
1:00 p.m. Cook-Off Contest – Varied Industries Building
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Hospitality Open – Varied Industries Building
2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Sullivan Supply/ Stock Show University Educational Clinic – Outdoor Arena
4:00 p.m. NE Banana Splits – Outdoor Arena
4:45 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. Alltech Educational Clinic – Outdoor Arena
6:00 p.m Annual Meeting of the NJAA – Sheraton Headquarters

It's Game Time | National Junior Angus Show

NJAA Junior Board Candidate Derek Wolf helps Kallie Poole during the mentoring mixer.

Ella Jordan shares her prepared speech about why Ag Education should be a requirement for high school graduation.

Austin Nowatzke, Hunter Carrico, Kayden Nowatzke, and Bryce Hofing pose for a photo before opening ceremonies.

The Kentucky juniors try to keep cool by relaxing near the stalls.

Hank Coonrod thinks Smart Sensations are the

Piper Cates and Coldar Cunningham don’t mess around when it comes to coloring.

Brady Ford knows that a little elbow grease goes a long way.

Don’t forget to purchase all of your official show photos from the always amazing, Pearl Walthall!

NJAA Junior Board Candidate Sydney Gerken helps junior Sophie Royer with her mentoring activities.

The future is bright with Tim Mardesen in sight.

When you are pumped about the week ahead!