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Day 2 on the Island: There are others here | National Junior Limousin Show & Congress

Stock Show U Intern Taylor Harrison shares a laugh with Jimmy Linthicum during Pump up the Volume!

Rhyleigh Morris uses her new Vintage Smart Sensation Brush to work the hair on her heifer.

Evan Summers takes the time to explain how to root brush a top and tailhead.

Junior Activities Director Katie Campbell oversees the quiz bowl contest this morning.

Levi Douglas uses the Pulse ZR to clip a heifer for the show tomorrow.

Collin Ochsner gets some free Sullivan’s Volumizer Shampoo from Stock Show U Intern Taylor Harrison.

Stranded on the Island | National Junior Limousin Show

Little miss Nora Hoge had a blast drying her brother’s heifer!

Corey Burtner uses his new Sullivan’s Vintage Smart Sensation Brush!

Brendyn Myer takes a peek into his goody bag and spots some great treats! Stock Show U Intern Taylor Harrison worked during check-in to make sure every exhibitor received a goody bag.

Don’t forget about our Pump up the Volume activity tomorrow morning from 6-10am! Stop by our table at the wash rack to fill up your foamer…

with free Sullivan’s Volumizer Shampoo!

Gage Baker uses a Sullivan’s Air Express III blower to dry his heifer this morning.

A group from Texas practices some beach dance moves.

Iowa juniors really got into the island spirit!

National Junior Limousin Show | Ultimate Warrior Bootcamp Candids

Yet another exciting group participated in our Ultimate Warrior Bootcamp!

Cole Keeton takes aim at catching a water balloon!

Some juniors really made huge leaps during this Bootcamp!

Exhibitors love Sullivan’s Volumizer so much, they put a ring on it.

The Smart Feed Pan Shuffle was the last step in the Bootcamp.

Junior Board Member, Devan Cox, watches as Samantha Rexroad completes the Dizzy Bat portion of the Bootcamp.

Nick Smith lets it fly as he tries to knock over a can of Revive Lite.

Memphis Peterson is light on his feet during the Bootcamp.

Alexa Montagne makes the sack race look effortless.

Josie Watts may have been the cutest and most stylish competitor in the Ultimate Warrior Bootcamp!

National Junior Limousin Show | Stock Show University Clinic

Logan Chachere shows Professor Mark Sullivan that hard work at home pays off when you’re able to walk your heifer into place perfectly.

Taylor Harrison, Stock Show U Intern, introduces the professors and curriculum for the clinic today.

Lindsey Gulotta, Junior Board Candidate, helps Ashley Schrag with her showmanship skills.

Professor Cori Malone demonstrates how to fit a front leg.

Junior Board Candidate, Hannah Ziegler, helps Gracey Bail during hands-on showmanship.

Whitney Walker demonstrates how a champion showman performs in the ring.

Bailey Boyert helps dust off Gracey Bail after her heifer decided she wanted to kick up some dirt.

Professor Mason Walker is all smiles during the clinic.

Professor Deb Vorthmann shows the right way to fit a top.

Professor Emily Schilling led the fitting portion of the Stock Show U Clinic.

Professor Mark Sullivan share a laugh with Grace Lemenager during hands-on showmanship.

Professor Shelby Skinner fits the back leg on the calf during the clinic.