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Rodeo Austin – Overall Supreme Heifer

Overall Supreme Heifer
Sire: Nun Better
Dam: HMSC Ms Biz
Bred by: Justin Holt Cattle
Sold by: Jeff Jackson
Congratulations to 4-H member, Harley Sargent of Grayson County!

Reserve Supreme Heifer
Sire: EBFL Ypsilanti 420Y
Dam: LFL Aida 3037 A
Bred and Sold by: Bruce Lawrence
Congratulations to 4-H member, Madison Culpepper of Gonzales County, TX!

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Rodeo Austin – Supreme American Heifer

Supreme American Heifer
Sire: Ellis’ Hollywood
Dam: Sister SCcarlett
Bred by: Saye’s Ranch
Sold by: Rusty Saye
Congratulations to 4-H member, Braylee Cowan of Fannin County!

Reserve Supreme American Heifer
Sire: LLSF Pays to Believe
Dam: RGV LMC Dr. Beauty
Bred and Sold by: Cameron Chappell
Congratulations to Madison Culpepper!

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Rodeo Austin – Supreme British Heifer

Supreme British Heifer
Sire: DF Waco 6W ET
Dam: WHR SB Cumberland
Bred and Sold by: M&E Shorthorns
Congratulations to Harley Sargent!

Reserve Supreme British Heifer
Sire: PCC Witten 111A
Dam: Pine Coulee Erica U90
Bred by and Sold by: Pembrook Cattle Co.
Congratulations to Sarah Beth Brittain!

Rodeo Austin – Jr. Simbrah Heifers – Champions

Grand Champion Simbrah Heifer
Sire: LN LMC 12th Man
Dam: LMC Daydream 5Z173
Bred by: Seale, Scogin and La Muneca
Sold by: Seale, Scogin and Guerra
Congratulations to Madison Culpepper!

Reserve Grand Champion Simbrah Heifer
Sire: LMC Johnny Walker
Dam: Glamour
Bred and Sold by: Knezek Simmental/Simbrah Ranch
Congratulations to Caleb Fuchs
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