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San Antonio Stock Show | Market Steers – Limousin

Champion Limousin Steer
Sire: Gold Dust
Dam: (out of a bull named “Grandfather”)
Bred and Raised by: Brandon Horn
Congratulations to Maddie O’Leary!

Reserve Champion Limousin Steer
Sire: Moonlight
Bred by: Elliot
Sold by: Bob Bruns Land & Cattle Co, Jeff Jackson, Kyle Criner, Todd Caldwell, Brandon Jones
Congratulations to Hunter Norment!

San Antonio Stock Show | Terrific in Texas

Lydia Shirts of the Anna FFA Chapter takes a few practice laps in the ring with her Angus steer.

Parks Mcinnis was quick to volunteer to help his older cousin, Brayden Patterson, wash her Charolais steer.

Blake Koether takes advantage of the beautiful weather and open ring to practice walking and setting up his steer with the help of his godfather, Chris Lyssy.

Katie Dibrell from Bandera County 4-H leads her Angus steer through the chute to get weighed.

Brittany Vasquez of the Cibolo FFA Chapter works hard to keep her stalls clean for incoming traffic.

Tyler Seago relaxes with his Hereford steer after an eventful night of moving and weighing in.