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National Junior Shorthorn Show – ShorthornPlus Steers

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Steer – Jake Brandt, IA
Sired by Monopoly
Bred by Cyclone Trace Cattle Company
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Steer – Kaleb Miller, IA
Sired by Two Tone
Grand Champion Bred and Owned ShorthornPlus Steer
Bred and Exhibited by Joshua Lorenz, IL
Sired by Lorenz’s Big Daddy Jazz
Reserve Grand Champion Bred and Owned ShorthornPlus Steer – Tyler Hough, MD
Bred and Exhibited by Tyler Hough, MD
Sired by: MH Premier Gold ET

National Junior Shorthorn Show – Purebred Steers

GC-PB-Prospect-SteerGrand Champion Purebred Prospect Shorthorn Steer AND Grand Champion Purebred Bred & Owned Steer – exhibited by Harley Sargent
Sired by WHR Ft Worth
RGC-PB-Prospect-SteerReserve Grand Champion Purebred Prospect Shorthorn Steer – exhibited by Harley Sargent
Sired by FSF Starburst 058
GC-PB-Market-SteerGrand Champion Purebred Market Steer – exhibited by Andrew Hodges
Sired by SULL GNCC Asset
Bred by: Sullivan Show Cattle
RGC-PB-Market-SteerReserve Grand Champion Purebred Market Steer AND Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned Steer – exhibited by Whitney Miller
Sired by FSF Jazz Leader 918

Ride for the Brand

IMG_0755Grand drive at the 2014 National Junior Chianina Show. Congrats to all Chianina exhibitors!!!
IMG_0929Shorthorn Bred and Owned Judge Brigham Stewart staying focused on a class of Shorthorn females.
IMG_0950Halley Becking and crew getting her Maine-Anjou female ready for Judge Jack Ward. Good Luck Halley.
IMG_0976Ryan Lane of Oklahoma, leading the Division I Champion Bull in the grand drive of the Bred and Owned Shorthorn Bull Show.
IMG_0717There is just something striking about a smoked colored female.

Sullivan Supply/Stock Show U Shorthorn Team Fitting

IMG_0809 Jaime Limes perfecting the tail head during the contest!
IMG_0890 One handed….now that takes skill!
IMG_0871 Sometimes you just have to get up close and personal to get the job done right!
IMG_0863 Allison Dragstrem using the scissors to get the perfect tail head!
IMG_0851 The perfect tools of the trade!
IMG_0832Using the perfect combination of Tail Adhesive and Ultra White Touch Up!
For more candids from the Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University Shorthorn Team Fitting Contest visit the Shorthorn Country Facebook page!