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Western Regional Junior Angus Show | Candids

The Tiger Tooth Teflon! The comb of choice for Mr. Dan Kelley of Express Ranches!

Chad Oates working on the underline of the champion heifer

Expess Ranches crew working on the overall champion junior heifer.
Thank you for trusting the Sullivan Supply product line.

A father daughter weekend well spent for Toby and Carly Wheeler as they celebrate receiving the honor of reserve overall owned heifer.

Cody Bock working on the final touches of Corrie Falleurs heifer.

Steven Pozzi and Kathryn Coleman getting ready to head up to the ring.

Andrew Foster perfecting the tailhead of the heifer.

MCoy Angus crew hard at work preparing their cattle for show.

Western Bonanza | Heifer Show Candids

Heifer show ring A handshake with Judge Jeff Jackson and Champion Heifer exhibitor Payton Rodgers.

Heifer show ring B hand shake with Judge Jake Boyert and champion heifer exhibitor Will Ward.

Savannah Levisay clipping on the hind leg of her heifer.

Brandt Downing working diligently on his leg.

Pulling hair with a Teflon Comb and Sullivan’s Prime Time as Colton Dillabo was working at the chutes.

Chance Ward going to town with the black powderful!

Western Bonanza | Fitting Contest Candids

Champion Team Member Will Boyd putting the smoke on his hind leg utilizing Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive as a product of choice.

Brian Dreyer working diligently to perfect the tailhead.

Megan Ashbrook clipping some smooth lines and keeping Sullivan’s Hocus Pocus on hand to help keep her blades clean.

Maddie Pretcher clipping away on her hind leg.

Cody Sullivan using Sullivan’s Black Finisher to finalize the steer for presentation.

Ashley Porter having some fun during the contest getting ready for presentation.

Judge Kyle Lemon asking questions to Team 7 consisting of Mitchell White, Ashligh Ybarra and Cole Lattamire.

Judge Ashley Judge talks highly of the exhibitors in her closing statement.

Champion Team consisting of Will Boyd, Hailee Ashbrook and Cody Sullivan receiving the champion slap from Judge Ashley Judge.

And that’s a wrap! Madison Andrade sowing off her personality during the contest!

Western Bonanza | Stock Show University Clinic

A great crowd at the Stock Show University clinic as our professors demonstrated todays latest fitting techniques.

Professor Faris Simon teaching the exhibitors how to prepare a sharp line on the tailhead in order to get a smooth clip.

Professor Blaine Rodgers explaining the benefit of using Teflon combs while fitting.

Black Powderful haze at the chute as the professors apply a coat to build up the leg.

Professor J Newton Clipping the hind leg with the Andis Pulse ZR cordless clippers.

Professor Marc Miranda working to perfect the front leg.

Chase Mercier receiving some guidance on how to clip out the topline of his steer form Professor Faris Simon.

Red Wave Classic | Heifer Show Candids

Jarred Schmitt receiving the champion hand shake from judge Kimeric DeLashmutt

Will Ward receiving the reserve champion hand shake from judge Kimeric DeLashmutt

Will Boyd Using Sullivan’s jet black touch up to cover the legs

Rider running wild in the hog barn!

Will Ward clipping on his reserve heifers back leg.

Red Wave Classic | Steer Show Candids

Davey Dorr Receiving the Champion Overall Steer hand shake from Judge Kimeric DeLashmutt

Reserve Overall Steer Ashley Weiman receiving the hand shake from Judge Kimeric DeLashmutt

Lindsey Aschwanden using Sullivan’s Jet Black Touch Up for some final touches on her steer.

Champion and Reserve Junior Showmen Carly Wheeler and Payton Rodgers celebrating together at the chutes.

Rylee Prechter Using a Teflon comb for her favorite fitting tool.

Faris Simon applying pink oil as a final touch before they head to the ring.

Christina Ward fine tuning the topline of a steer.

Teamwork makes the dream work as Weston Fair, Abi Dirkse and Treyton Fair work together to dress their steer.

Red Wave Classic | Stock Show University Hands On Showmanship Clinic

The clinic started off with a emphases on teaching transitions and the 123 Step to help the exhibitors with their speed of walking their cattle into show stance.

Professor Marc Miranda assisting his student with how to properly hold the halter at the stand still.

Chance Bowen learning some advanced showmanship tips from Professor J Newton

Professor Hailee Ashbrook offering additional advice on how posture and show ring presence is key to standing out!

Callyn Hahn Dean of Stock Show University quizzing all the exhibitors on potential questions that a judge may ask during showmanship.

Arizona National | Open Show Candids

Brittany Hefner receiving the Supreme Champion hand shake

Brad Hefner embracing the win with his daughter Brittany

At the chute with the Supreme Champion Heifer Congratulations to Brittany Hefner
Thank you for Trusting Sullivan Supply

Nichole Hefner dialing in the belly line on her sisters heifer.

At the chute with the Reserve Supreme Champion Heifer Congratulations to Jared Schmidt
Thank you for Trusting Sullivan Supply

Jared Schmidt using Sullivan’s Black Finisher on the hind leg

Cheramie Viator double fisting the red paints using the perfect combination of Brown Touch Up and Crimson Red Touch Up on the topline of the Champion Red Angus Female

Teamwork makes the dream work for Patin Stiles and Charlie Tusa as they work together to fit the front leg of the Champion AOB Female.

Sullivan’s products around the barn

The talented Austin Vieselmeyer putting the smoke on his Reserve Angus Heifer

Little Miss Hartill Making it rain purple, and pumped about their Champion Cow Calf Pair.

Champion Percentage Female “Snap Chat” ready for a drink from a Sullivan’s Smart Bucket

At the chute with the Supreme Champion Bull as Sydney Schnoor puts the extra heat on her bull by fine tuning the tail using Sullivan’s Tale Adhesive
Congratulations to Sydney Schnoor
Thank you for Trusting Sullivan Supply

Champion Simmental Bull At the chute

Shawn Varner shaping the tailhead on the Champion AOB Bull

Wyatt and Madison McCaulley working hard to pack up the trailer for the long haul back home.
That’s a wrap for the Arizona National as families packed up to head home, wishing everyone safe travels and a Happy New Year!