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Iowa State University Cyclone Classic – Heifers

Supreme Champion Heifer
Sire: Premium Blend
Dam: Heatwave
Bred by: Butler
Sold by: Halbach / Weis
Congratulations to Cade Austin of WI.
Reserve Supreme Champion Heifer
Sire: First Class
Dam: Keymura Katy
Bred & Sold by: Sullivan Farms, Paulsen Congratulations to Maddy Udell of IA.
Third Overall Heifer
Sire: Broker
Dam: Lucy
Rasied by: Dunk
Sold by: Steck
Congratulations to Jake Nikkel of KS.
Fourth Overall Heifer
Sire: Charisma
Dam: Mirage T780 Trump
Raised by: Dunk Cattle Co.
Sold by: Steck Cattle
Congratulations to Jake Nikkel of KS.
Fifth Overall Heifer
Congratulations to Kiersten Jass of IA.
Photos Shared from Cyclone Classic Facebook Page. To order official backdrop photos visit