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Jordan Mack Memorial | Top Five Heifers

Supreme Champion Female
Sire: Silveira’s Style
Dam: Red Thunder
Bred and Sold by: Udell
Congratulations to Sammi Schrag!

Reserve Supreme Female
Grand Champion Hereford Heifer
Sire: Leader
Dam: Candi
Bred by: Chesney Effling
Congratulations to Chesney Effling

Third Overall Female
Grand Champion Percentage Simmental Heifer
Sire: Loaded up
Dam: Paddy o Mally
Bred by: Schmitz
Congratulations to Lynsey Schmitz

Fourth Overall Female
Sire: Insight
Dam: First Class
Bred by: Udell
Sold by: Competitive Edge Genetics
Congratulations to Sam Podzimek!

Fifth Overall Female
Grand Champion Maine Anjou
Sire: Garth
Raised by: Blaine Nagal
Sold by: Chad Forman
Congratulations to Bayley Kroupa!