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My name is Josie Chandler from Polk City, FL my brother Keatley Chandler and I own JK Cattle. This is a photo capturing my registered Angus bull 7L Hoover Dam 1006 aka Bentley before he passed away from phenomena on August 21st 2014. On January 1st 2016 he would have been  5 years old. This picture captures everything that we had. We had showing winnings and a friendship that could never be replaced. Bentley was the most fun loving animal ever, and in a way he was my hero. When I was feeding one afternoon a gate was left open and another bull was let in the pen I was in with Bentley. The bull penned me down on the ground and started to stomp on me and I was scared for my life, and as fake and ridiculous this may sound my bull Bentley came and stood over top of me and fought the bull until he left. I do believe Bentley saved my life that day and I know I am not the only one who’s life Bentley had an impact on. I hope to show people that these animals are so much more than just a cow or bull in the pasture, they could be your best friend. Submitted by Josie Chandler. 