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Resolutions for a Successful Stock Show Year

How many of these resolutions are on your list?! Another great article from our friends at Ranch House Designs.
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Kick off the new show year with a resolution. People generally anticipate making changes at some point in time – those who are disciplined, follow through. No one expects perfection, but one should keep personal expectations.
1. Seek success drive – A showman who shows effort of hard work and persistence will find success. Find an area of weakness and look to improve it. Examples may include working to keep a cleaner facility or to practice more professional showmanship skills. Let determination be the motivation to live every day to your highest potential.
2. Opportunities – Look to experience new opportunities that will benefit you to be worth knowing, not just well known. We all may know who exhibited the supreme winner of the stock show. Keep in mind the people worth knowing may someday play a major role in helping you get to that back drop for a champion photo. Small or big, there are opportunities in every day. Don’t shy away from getting out of your element to meet new people.  You may be surprised at how that will pay off in your future!
3. Stay humble – It’s easy to get caught up in the good times, but remember to collect moments, not just awards. Develop the attitude of gratitude. There will always be others who wish they had what you have, even if it’s a reserve ribbon instead of the champion title you wanted. This type of resolution will never go out of style.
4. Stay positive – It’s alright to give the serious showmanship stare down a break when spending time outside of the ring. Be happy and smile everyday. Vibrate good energy into your personality and don’t let others steal your happiness. Be sure to ignore the negativity.
5. Livestock health – In God We Trust, our brand of stock feed. If it works, keep it! Don’t be afraid to do some research on different feed mixtures or additives. Make a resolution to improve your stock’s feed. May it be growing rations, improving feed quality or even just working to keep a clean water supply. We want only the best for our livestock.
6. Offer a helping hand – Find the best in others by teaching a new fitting skill or just lending a hand during busy mornings. Be caring and considerate to help other showmen feel the need to step up their game.
7. Learning how to win as well as to lose – Embrace rolling with the punches. You can have a good grip on life, but you can’t control everything. After all, it does come down to one person’s opinion in the show ring. Set a resolution to practice good showman sportsmanship. Shake a hand or offer a congratulations to a winner.  The simple gestures can go a long way.
8. Strive for consistency – If you are persistent, you will get it. If you are consistent, you will keep it. Showmanship skills comes with consistency. Practice with your livestock every day, study others in the ring and even research the internet. Setting a resolution to be a better showman is easier said than done.  Hard work and practice will pay off in the show ring.
9. Increase knowledge – Study, study and study some more about breed genetics. By setting a resolution to increase your livestock genetic knowledge, this will increase your chances of making better decisions when selecting that winning calf.
10. Define your purpose – Many variables are a part of one’s show livestock. By developing a clear and precise goal, evaluating and strengthening variables will provide a foundation to build off of in different opportunities. A dream is a good beginning to a purpose, such as a show ring banner. A stock show resolution to wake up every morning and start your day in the barn can be key to a successful year.
11. Incorporate a new media platform – You and your livestock are a walking advertisement. Not just for the cattle company you represent, but also yourself, your family, and your community. Committing to a new media resolution can be time consuming, but worth the effort. Consider a blog or even a website. A place to log your show travel adventures along with the triumphs and disappointments. This will make for great viewing and watching your livestock mature and grow throughout the year!
Buckles and banners may physically measure results, but others may come in personal growth. A sense of accomplishment can not be ordered through Sullivan, sorry. By making a New Year’s resolution, showmen will benefit from the personal growth they will carry with them for life. Success isn’t what others can see, but how you feel. It’s living your goals and doing what makes you happy. That’s success. Now, get to the barn!