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Edwards Land and Cattle

edwardsWe had the honor of interviewing Dexter Edwards from Edwards Land and Cattle for our Guide to Louisville series. Check out what one of the great Limsouin breeders had to say!!
How many years have you been in the Limousin Business?
It has been 30 years since we purchased our first Limousin heifer.
Why is it important for you to attend these National Shows?
There is multiple reasons, my son runs my cattle operation and has married into the cattle business, we show to promote the breed and the cattle. We have also been able to work well with all different breeders in the Limousin business and love visiting with all of people to learn what is available in genetics. We also enjoy getting to speak with different vendors to find out what is new on the market place to help enhance our business.
What sires are working well for you in your operation?
Within our Lim-Flex operation Xyloid and Will Power are doing us a great job. We have a lot of history with some of the older sires that we are not be used now like Lonestar, we are now crossing those back with some of the newer bulls. Top Dollar is a purebred bull that is working great for the purebred side of our operation.
Do you think the Limousin breed has changed? If so how? And do you think it’s for better or worse?
The limi breed has changed tremendously. When we first got into it the Limousin business the breed had two major issues that needed to be corrected. Our females did not milk well and the disposition wasn’t good on a lot of cattle. A few things we had going for us was muscling and calving easy . Breeders have worked on the issues and those problems have went away. We have created cattle with good dispositions, and good milkers.
By creating Lim-Flex we have created a moderate option to work with other breeds. To help add some meat conversion and daily gain.
What is one thing about the Limousin breed you enjoy the most?
The thing that excited me the most about the breed is the fact of the calving ease that comes with breed even with the added muscle and the performance enhancements.
We have show cattle that are performance cattle also. They can complete with the other breeds in the show ring but they get out in the pasture and perform.
If you had to pick another breed to show what one would it be and why?
Angus; Because of all of the advertising that Angus has and continues to have; they have a real market place. They are easy to sale and promote because the general public believes that Angus beef is better.
What is your favorite thing about the NAILE?
#1 is the people. I enjoy going to Louisville and meeting and dealing with the people at the show. it is always a pleasant trip, with a lot of people that are very friendly and work with us very well. The facility is second to none and we love the close prolixity to home.