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New York State Fair | Open Shorthorn

2016-GrandSH_Heifer copy
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female
Hessian Hill Hope
Sire: AF SL Sin City ET
Dam: Hessian Hill Echo
Bred by: Elizabeth Schubert
Congratulations to Elizabeth Schubert!
2016-ResSH_Heifer copy
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female
MJA Daquri 855D
Sire: MH Fusion
Dam: MJA Aleesha 792A
Bred by: Megan Andersen
Congratulations to Megan Andersen!
2016-GrandSH_Bull copy
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull
White Birch Pay Up
Sire: SULL Payday 1507 ET
Dam: Thill’s Xandra 64X
Bred by: Shannon Schneider
Congratulations to Shannon Schneider!
2016-ResSH_Bull copy
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull
White Birch Red Count
Sire: White Birchs Payout
Dam: White Birch Red Alina
Bred by: Shannon Schneider
Congratulations to Shannon Schneider!
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