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NWMSU B&B Spring Showcase – Top 5 Heifers

champion heifer_england
Supreme Champion Heifer
Congratulations to Haylea England
reserve heifer_danner
Reserve Supreme Champion Heifer
Sire: Monopoly
Congratulations to Gracie Danner
3rd heifer_bennett
Third Overall Heifer
Sire: Mercedes Benz
Dam: Final Solution
Bred by: Bremer
Congratulations to Avery Bennett.
4th heifer_crall
Fourth Overall Heifer
Congratulations to Jordan Crall.
5th heifer_lain
Fifth Overall Heifer
Sire: Hard Whiskey
Dam: Heatwave
Bred by: Udell
Sold by: Goretska
Congratulations to Kenton Lain.
Photos courtsey of Mittag Design, click here to order.