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Q&A on VFD with Dr. Kevin Burgoon (Honor Show Chow)

Q&A on VFD with Dr. Kevin Burgoon (Honor Show Chow)
Q: What impact will the Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) have on Honor® Show Chow® cattle feeds and supplements?
A: The VFD regulations will take effect January 1, 2017. Coccidiostats such as Bovatec, Rumensin, Deccox, and Amprolium do not require a VFD. It is important to note that not all feed medications require a VFD. The only feed in the Honor® Show Chow® cattle lineup that would require a VFD is Impact Club Calf CTC BOV.
It’s the CTC (chlortetracycline) that requires the VFD. Impact Club Calf will be replaced with a new Honor® Show Chow® cattle feed prior to January 1, 2017, that does not require a VFD.
In summary, none of the Honor® Show Chow® cattle feeds will require a VFD, and you will be able to purchase them as you always have. Thank you for your continued support of Honor® Show Chow®!