THICC – 10 lb., by Rule


A high energy top dress supplement designed to add cover. THICC increases bloom and condition without sacrificing muscle shape through a perfect blend of carbohydrates and bypass fat. Formulated as a balance of digestible carbohydrates and rumen stable bypass fat. These specific fats get stored in, and on muscle. The Carbohydrates function by telling the fat cells to grow. Together, they work to ensure the energy in THICC gets stored, increasing cover and condition. Biozyme’s Amaferm has been added to prevent animals from going off feed. Features rumen protected B vitamins and Biotin which play a key role in fat deposition, digestion, and energy metabolism, along with brain function and intake.

SKU: THI10 Category:


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Additional information

Weight 12.95 lbs
Dimensions 9.20 × 7.30 × 9.60 in