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2017 AJSA Trustee Candidate | Garrett Stanfield

Garrett Stanfield, Ohio
Stanfield is currently a junior at Ohio State University where he is majoring in AgriBusiness and minoring in Animal Science. He grew up in Manchester, Ohio, where he runs a purebred and percentage Simmental herd, along with a few Simbrahs. A longtime, active member of the Ohio Junior Simmental Association, Stanfield is a former President and Vice President. He credits the AJSA for playing an integral role in molding him into the person he is today. Stanfield currently serves on the AJSA Board of Trustees where he has been able to effectively serve AJSA members across the country. In order to feed our growing world, he believes that Simmental breeders are part of an elite group who have science as a focus. Stanfield claims the Steer Profitability Contest is a great example of understanding the true value of data and record keeping. He has set a goal to reach out to those commercial-oriented youth in our industry who participate in such contests and influence their decision to obtain membership in the AJSA.
All AJSA members will vote for two trustees from their region at the AJSA Annual Meeting.