The Pulse Powered by Sullivan Supply

Why Stock Show University?

Luke Bolin, Manager of The Pulse, and John Sullivan, founder of Sullivan Supply and Stock Show University, discuss the Stock Show U program.
Why did you decide to start Stock Show University?
My brothers and I grew up as a product of the junior show cattle industry. We loved everything about it, but unfortunately our Dad was not heavily involved in showing cattle. We had to teach ourselves and it was the school of hard knocks. I would like to help families eliminate the many years of the learning curve so they can expedite the success they can obtain. When I was growing up there were not a lot of camps that were easily accessible. One of the attributes of the Stock Show University Program is that is it 100% free of charge and our student to professor ratio is unmatched. I am proud to say that we will share every bit of industry knowledge that we have to young showman that attend a Stock Show University clinic. If you have the desire to learn and want to be your best, Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University will help you get there.
What is the main goal of the Stock Show University program?
The main goal is to instill confidence and a can-do attitude in each student. The two-day Stock Show University Grad Programs are a tremendous confidence builder that is hands on learning for the exhibitor. The student works with the professor one on one and gets to absorb a tremendous amount of knowledge first hand. One of the other main goals is to get the kids off the show stick when the cattle are in the fitting chutes. We see all these families and kids that work so hard on their animals at home then they go to the show and have someone else fit their calf for them. We acknowledge that getting and asking for help is part of the learning process but we want to push the student to get involved at a younger age and not be scared. We want them to be able to step in and be just as confident as the experienced fitters. We practice this ourselves as I told my daughter Sara when she showed interest in showing cattle that she is going to be involved in the fitting process as well. It is amazing how quickly these kids can get good and how fast their confidence builds if they are expected to do it.
What is your favorite part of the Stock Show University Grad Programs?
My favorite part is definitely the fitting/leg workshop. So many kids come to this program and feel like they are not good enough to fit a back leg on their own calf. After two days they walk out of the Stock Show University Grad Program confident enough to groom their calf’s legs. We encourage them at the next show they are at to get involved in the process and not back off. The smile on their faces for accomplishing this task is worth the weight in gold. It is also fulfilling to see the genuine care of the professors spending that one on one time with the students. A lot of the success of this program is due to the professor’s willingness to take time out of their busy schedules to mentor youth that have a tremendous interest in showing livestock.
We know Sullivan Supply dedicates over $300,000 a year to the Stock Show U program. Why are you so committed to giving back to the youth?
Our devotion for this program and industry is simple, we believe in it! We think it is the best way to raise kids and spend quality family time together. It takes a lot of commitment, daily dedication and bonding to show livestock. In today’s world where everyone seems to be running from work, showing livestock turns hard working kids into successful adults. The young people are the future of this great industry. We are proud to offer complimentary programs like the Sullivan Supply Scholarship Program, Junior National Sponsorships, The Pulse daily livestock news and Stock Show University. These are tremendous financial responsibilities when it comes to the youth of the livestock industry, Sullivan Supply is all in. Quite frankly, we feel fortunate that we can do it, but it is truly the customers of Sullivan Supply and their great support that allow us to be able to provide these programs.
Stock Show University was started by John Sullivan nearly five years ago. Stock Show University provides services and educational programs that cater specifically to youth, helping them develop skills to compete with their show cattle projects. We are a program designed to encourage and reward success with individual achievements and goals. At Stock Show U our motto is “We stay until the last question is asked.” Stock Show University is COMPLIMENTARY. All ages and skill levels are welcome from beginner to advanced. We host clinics at shows and homes across the United States, including beef expos, major shows, and junior nationals; all FREE of charge! Clinics range from convenient two-hour clinics to comprehensive, in-depth two-day clinics called GRAD Programs. The best and most talented ‘professors’ in the business will focus on all areas needed to achieve the championship look – show day fitting/clipping, animal selection, showmanship, feeding, daily hair and animal care to name a few. GRAD Programs are perhaps our strongest commitment to our youth. These areTWO-DAY CLINICS where a successful partnership will be developed between a student and a professor. This program is a great confidence builder and allows the students to gain hands-on experience and actively seek answers
to any question they may have. Even though these two-day camps can be large in numbers, a meaningful, one-to-one relationship will be built between a student and professor. Participants will be placed in groups of 8 to 12 students to one professor and divided by the individuals in each level of experience. Here is where the students
will learn hands-on skills in show day fitting, daily hair care, showmanship and clipping. Stock Show U professors are the best in the business. The impact from these skilled professors on each student will be contagious.
Stock Show University is a non-for-profit company that the Sullivan family has committed over $300,000 annually; their pledge to supporting the next generation of America’s youth. Sullivan Supply represents over 25 years of sincere dedication and commitment to the livestock industry. We believe a successful partnership between education and commitment are fundamental in supporting America’s Youth.