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Belt Buckle Bonanza | American Steers

Grand Champion American Steer
Sire: Buford
Dam: Solid Gold cross cow
Bred by: Adam Potts
Sold by: Brandon Horn
Congratulations to Cade Waldrip!

Reserve Grand Champion American Steer
Sire: American Sniper
Dam: Brings cross cow
Bred by: S&S Cattle Co.
Congratulations to Sterling McGee!

3rd Overall American Steer
Sire: Red Leather
Bred by: Justin Sullivan
Sold by: Justin Sullivan and Eric Gregor
Congratulations to Cade Waldrip!

4th Overall American Steer
Sire: Pillowtalk
Dam: Half Red Rock
Bred by: Brandon Horn
Sold by: Horn Livestock
Congratulations to Danyella Longoria!
No Photo Available
5th Overall American Steer
Congrats to Madison Cason!