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Junior Board Pic
President – Megan Hunt
Vice President – Taylor Graham
Secretary – SyAnn Foster
Treasurer – Ty Sexton
Public Relations – Laurel Culp
Public Relations – Amelia Higgins
Director – Halley Becking
Director – Payton Stoppel
Director – Sydney Gehl
Director – Curtis Harsh
Director – Madison Kay Leinweber
Junior Director – Kyle Dice
Get to know Amelia Higgins, Public Relations director!
Hometown: Watertown, TN
Who are your greatest mentors? My brother-I have followed in his footsteps and he has helped me a lot. Also, my sister, we have done everything together being close in age
What is your favorite junior national memory? Family Fun Night at 2012 Junior National in Lima, OH. My whole family was together and enjoying themselves. We had a blast.
What do you want people to be excited about with Junior Nationals? This year we are hosting our junior national in conjunction with Maine and Shorthorn so with three breeds together we will be able to network with members in other breeds as well as our own.
What is the board most excited about? We are adding 3 new concepts this year! Exhibitors keep a watch for them!
What is the biggest life lesson you can take away from showing livestock? Hard work pays off. You will learn to lose just as much as learning to win.
What is the most rewarding experience with Junior Nationals? Last year at Junior Nationals my family raised six of the eight heifers in the ChiAngus drive.
How do you plan to stay involved with your breed after your term on the jr board is over? I plan on continuing to raise ChiAngus cattle and to stay involved with the show industry.