The Pulse Powered by Sullivan Supply

Gettin' Down in Des Moines | Iowa Beef Expo

The calm before the show day storm.

Gabby Branstad, Madison Branstad, Aaliyah Wicke and Kadin Wicke stop to get their picture taken with Sullivan Supply, Stock Show University, and Sullivan Farms Founder, John Sullivan, while getting their goodie bags during check in.

Cassie Rice, IJBBA Board Member showing during showmanship.

Jared Boyert jokes around in the stalls with some of his juniors.

Mark Sullivan and daughter, Erin, chatting with friends at Erin’s very first Iowa Beef Expo.

The Sullivan Supply trailer was a very popular place all day today in Des Moines.

Caitlyn and Choley Cronin have it handled to get their Mini Herefords checked in this morning.