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Dillon Elder Recognized for Hard Work and Dedication to the Game

“Wow. Let’s take a minute to brag on my big brother, Dillon Elder. Showing cattle was something we have done as a family for so many years now. My passion was showing cattle/Dillon’s was basketball & sports.
As many of you know, he didn’t go to college to play but is the “Head Manager” of the TAMU men’s basketball team! His goal is to become a college basketball coach! 3 years of traveling from the Sweet 16, to China (USA Team) and Germany, to the entire SEC opponents towns, the opportunities have been endless. (Still more are coming)
Last night, I believe he had another milestone in his journey to success. He was featured in the head coaches radio show that is hosted every Monday night. His hard work was recognized to the listeners and fans of TAMU basketball! (Highly suggest listening to interview below). I was proud to be int he audience and listen to his story, and also educating us all about his passion for basketball while also telling our family story about growing up in agriculture!
I admire him for so many reasons, but one being he has been such an awesome role model to me in all regions of life. Faith, Academics, Sports, Cattle and any characteristic traits that he portrays. If I can be like anyone, I’d hope I can reflect my big brother.
Gig Em.”

Shared from Kendra Elder’s Facebook Page.