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Kansas State Fair | Overall 4-H/FFA Market Steers

Grand Champion Market Steer
Sire: Monopoly
Dam: 3007
Bred by: Dave Strolberg
Sold by: Nelson England and Tim Burke
Congratulations to Maycee Ratliff!

Reserve Grand Champion Market Steer
Sire: Fu Man Chu
Dam: Aces High
Bred by: Stoppel
Sold by: Zane Ward, Nikkel Bros.
Congratulations to Taryn Faulkender!

Third Overall Market Steer
Sire: Huff ‘n Puff
Sold by: Bonham
Congratulations to Cooper Henson!

Fourth Overall Market Steer
Sire: MAB
Sold by: MCF, Dan Sullivan
Congratulations to Shelby Werth!

Fifth Overall Market Steer
Sire: Fu Man Chu
Dam: Wisdom
Sold by: Zane Ward, Nikkel Bros., Nolan Ferguson
Congratulations to Taylor Fairleigh!