Trucking Through Tuesday in OKC
Be sure you are stocked up on Sullivan Supply products for OYE!
Garrett Cloud gets comfortable while scratching a steer for Jeremy Clark
Austin Coglel hauls a bag of Winning Fill to the stalls
Carsen Williams and Dustin Glover relax in the stalls.
Sullivan’s new product Shock is proving itself in the barn.
Smart Feedpans are a durable way to get your favorite feedstuffs in front of your animals.
Sarah Armitage takes a break and blows her calf from the ground.
Avery McMurphy takes notes on the proper way to ball a tail.
Karlee McCombs dries her steer after settling in today.
Joshua Kelsey gets his steer ready for showmanship.
Judge Jeff Jackson selecting Chancee Clark as Champion Overall Beef Showman.
Selected as Reserve Overall Beef Showman was Braelyn Berlowitz
Kallie Burris was all smiles after winning Senior Showmanship.