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Western Bonanza | Overall Market Steer Ring B

Champion Overall Market Steer Ring B
Sire: Walks Alone
Dam: 6X
Raised and Sold by: Faris Simon / Newton Cattle
Congratulations to Brody Leo

Reserve Champion Overall Market Steer Ring B
Sire: Man Among Boys
Raised by: Davis and Dixon
Sold and Raised by: Rodgers Livestock
Congratulations to Carly Wheeler

3rd Overall Market Steer Ring B
Sire: Monopoly
Dam: Who Da Man
Raised by: Dunk
Sold by: Caldwell/ KL Lemmon
Congratulations to Nicole Hefner

4th Overall Market Steer Ring B
Sire: Fu Man Chu
Raised and Sold by: Rodgers Livestock
Congratulations to Braden Wheeler

5th Overall Market Steer Ring B
Congratulations to Lexi Vanella